The AHSA was formed in Melbourne in 1959Ā by a group of people interested in recording and promoting Australian aviation history.Ā The first issue of the AHSA Journal, now called Aviation Heritage and a Newsletter was also distributed to members.Ā Aviation Heritage is the published record of Australian aviation history researched by members and others and submitted to the editor.

AHSA Inc. is Australiaā€™s oldest established Aviation Historical Society and has members in all states of Australia and worldwide.


The Aims of the association are:

  • To encourage and assist the research, writing and recording of Australian aviation history.
  • To record the achievements of Australian aviation and its people.
  • To produce publications relating to Australian aviation history.
  • To provide a forum for the discussion of events in Australian aviation history.
  • To preserve documents and artefacts significant to Australian aviation history.
  • To liaise with other relevant organisations to further the aims of the Society.
  • To operate a deductible gift fund (entitled “The Aviation Historical Society Publications and Research Fund”) consistent with the rules of the fund and the purposes of the Society.


For historical and legal reasons the AHSA currently operates as 3 separate incorporated bodies:

  • AHSA Inc. (Incorporated in Victoria 19 August 1996)
  • AHSA NSW Inc. (Incorporated in NSW 9 November 2000)
  • AHSA Qld Inc. (Incorporated in Queensland 14 September 2017)

AHSA Inc. have encouraged the incorporation of AHSA in other states in an endeavour to grow, develop and create a physical AHSA presence across Australia and to provide for a greater exchange of ideas and articles between states. It also allows for local member meetings in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland.

ā€˜Aviation Heritageā€™ is only available to members of the above organisations.

Each body produces a regular newsletter.

Membership and benefits

By joining AHSA Inc, members will:

  • Receive Aviation Heritage,Ā theĀ AHSA Journal (issued March, June, September & December), dedicated to uniquely Australian aviation topics, and rarely covered elsewhere.
  • Receive AHSA Newsletters.
  • Be able to access “Members Only” content on the AHSA website, including a growing catalogue of back-issues of Aviation Heritage.
  • Be able to attend monthly meetings including special lectures at Melbourne, Sydney & Brisbane.
  • Become part of a national fellowship of people dedicated to recording, researching and sharing information about our flying heritage.
  • Enjoy the opportunity to access and talk to a wide range of people with interests and experience in all aspects of Australian aviation history.
  • Receive offers of exclusive books and discounts at bookstores and museums that offer discounts to AHSA members.
  • Receive invitations to AHSA events such as visits to aviation museums, private aircraft collections, aircraft manufacturers and operators.

Membership of AHSA is great way to learn more about Australiaā€™sĀ aviation heritage.Ā You will also be contributing to and learning from Australiaā€™s oldest aviation society. As a member, we welcome your contributions, by attending monthly meetings or conducting research of your own, for possible inclusion in our quarterly journal or newsletter.

Applicants may join in their state of domicile where that is an option (Victoria, NSW and Queensland) and participate in local meetings and activities, or membership can be obtained direct with AHSA Inc.

To join the AHSA Inc.Ā click here

For membership information from affiliates in NSW and Queensland, select the drop-down list under AHSA on the top menu bar above, and follow the links to the relevant website.

Facebook Group

The AHSA operates an active Facebook group, open to members and friends. Click here to go to the group.