AHSA Inc. (incorporated in Victoria 19 August 1996).
A00033653P, ARBN 092 671 773, ABN 60 092 671 773Ā 

AHSA Inc. produces the Journal ā€˜Aviation Heritageā€™, the Newsletter ā€˜Outlookā€™ and operates the website www.ahsa.org.au.

Committee and Contact Details

Office Bearers

  • President: Dave ProssorĀ Ā president@ahsa.org.au
  • Vice President: Derek Buckmaster vp@ahsa.org.au
  • Secretary: Derek BuckmasterĀ Ā Ā secretary@ahsa.org.au
  • Treasurer: Paul Phillips Ā treasurer@ahsa.org.au

Committee Members

  • Jarryd Cripps
  • Prasad Gunatunga
  • Andy Hansen
  • David Knight (Membership Secretary)Ā membership@ahsa.org.au
  • Phil Vabre

The editors of our regular publications are:

  • Editor of ā€˜Aviation Heritageā€™: Neil Follett. PO Box 461 Lilydale Victoria 3140 Ā editor@ahsa.org.au
  • Editor of AHSA Inc. Newsletter ‘Outlook/AHSA News’: Derek Buckmaster Ā outlook@ahsa.org.au
  • Web site convenor: Derek Buckmaster

Postal address: AHSA Inc.,Ā PO Box 461, Lilydale, Victoria 3140

Monthly Melbourne Meetings

AHSA Inc. holds monthly meetings on the fourth Wednesday of the month, 7.30pm at the RAAF Association, 24 Camberwell Rd, Hawthorn East. Visitors are welcome.

Our meetings are also webcast via Zoom for members who cannot attend in person.

Some members meet casually for dinner from 6.00pm at the Tower Hotel opposite the RAAFA.

Speakers on aviation subjects and member nights are programmed throughout the year. Visits to local venues and events of interest are also determined and advised.

Annual Memorial Lecture

The AHSA Inc. presents the annualĀ Duigan Memorial Lecture each November where an authoritative speaker is invited to present on a significant event in Australian aviation history. This lecture honours John and Reginald Duigan, who designed, constructed and flew the first Australian-built aeroplane at Mia Mia, Victoria in 1910.

Tax-Deductible Donations

The AHSA Inc. is a registered charity, and all donations over $2.00 are tax deductible. The Society is a not-for-profit organisation. Membership fees and donations fund our activities. We are constantly looking to improve and expand the scope of our activities.

Donations to the AHSA will help us continue our work to share this important part of Australiaā€™s heritage. To make a tax-deductible donation, click here to go to our web store and select “Donations”

Membership of AHSA Inc.

To become a member of AHSA Inc. click here.


The AHSA Inc. publishes Outlook/AHSA News, a quarterly newsletter distributed to members and available to the general public via our website. Click here to go to the Outlook/AHSA News archive.

Our Rules

To view a copy of our rules, click here.