Finished with Engines by Colin Lock

Finished With Engines by Colin Lock Qantas longhaul flight engineers 1941 – 2009 When QANTAS’ last Boeing 747-338 VH-EBV departed Sydney on 20 January...

Australian Eagles by Kristen Alexander

Australian Eagles by Kristen Alexander Australian pilots in the Battle of Britain “Australian Eagles” tells the stories of five Australian pilots and one adopted...

Bindaloo Air by Brian George

Bindaloo Air by Brian George An illustrated children’s poem Written and illustrated by AHSA member Brian George. One of a series about the small...

Australia @ War by Peter Dunn

Australia @ War by Peter Dunn A digital publication supplied on a USB memory stick The “Australia @ War” USB Memory Stick will amaze...

Welcome to the AHSA website

Welcome to the Aviation Historical Society of Australia Inc (AHSA) website.  We are Australia's oldest historical society devoted to aviation history.  AHSA holds a...

Members-Only Test Page

This page is accessible by members only, to allow a test of the membership management system. This page is not listed on any menus,...

Flyers of Time by Kevin O’Reilly

Flyers of Time by Kevin O'Reilly Winner of the Victorian Community History Awards 2013 award for Local History This collection of aviation reportings, documents...

The Purple Stripe by Brian L. Hill

The Purple Stripe by Brian L. Hill A history of Flight Engineers in Australia While the publication is essentially about FEOs, an enormous amount...